Exodus TCG
Advanced Rules & Card Rulings

Last Updated: 03/11/2020

(Different from Content on this Page Used for Level 2 & 3 tournaments)

Table of Contents

General Rulings
   — Terminology
   — Costs
   — Energy Movement
   — Playback
   — Playing In Draw Phase
   — Deck Recycles
   — Creature Abilities
   — Field Tracking
   — Timing & Speed
   — Priority

Mechanic Rulings
   — Reveal
   — Freeze

Different Game Modes
   — Multiplayer
   — Harmony Rares

Card Rulings
   — (Set 1) Birth of Creation
   — (Set 2) Galaxy Tides
   — (Set 3) Crystal Forge
   — (Set 4) Converging Chasms
   — (Set 5) The Dimension That Disappeared


- If a card says, "each player," it affects every player in the game (even in multiplayer), but if a card says, "your opponent," you choose the opponent to affect;

- "BT" = Box Topper Rare (card will have 3 stars + a foil stamped "BT", and the collector number in the bottom-right corner will read "BT1/BT1";

- "SR" = Secret Rare (card will have 3 stars + a foil stamped "SR", and the collector number in the bottom-right corner will be higher than the max number of cards in the set);

- "HR" = Harmony Rare (giant double-sided metal card with "Harmony Rare" written across the side);

- "Summon" VS "Put into play":

     • Summoning can happen one of two ways. 1) By summoning a creature from your hand onto a pile of Energy during your Creature Phase. 2) Through a card effect that specifically says, "summon";

     •  A card is considered "put into play" when it hits the field, whether that is through a normal summon or through a card effect; 

          - (Example: If a creature Ability says "When this creature is put into play", the Ability can trigger either by a normal summon / putting into play, or by a card effect that let's you put a creature into play. If a creature Ability says "put into pay except by a summon", it will need to be put into play specifically by a card effect; 

  • [NEW] "In play" and "on the field" are synonymous; 
  • [NEW] "Enter play" covers everything, whereas "summon" is only through Creature Phase and "put into play" is through an effect or Ability;

- "Switching" a Creature in Play: When a card effect or Ability switches a creature on the field with a creature from somewhere else (i.e. hand, Main Deck, graveyard, etc.), the new creature is considered to be "summoned" unless otherwise specified (therefore, any on-summon Abilities will trigger); 

[NEW] - "Cancel, "negate" and "nullify" are all synonymous, and mean that a card's effect / Ability is or becomes inactive;

[NEW] - "Fizzle" occurs when a card that's waiting to resolve gets interrupted in such a way that the cost or fulfill requirement is no longer available, and the card is forced to the graveyard without resolving;

[NEW] - Rarity During Gameplay:

  • Any Rarities that include the word "Rare" in their title (i.e Rare, Box Topper Rare, Secret Rare and Harmony Rare) are treated the same as Rare cards when being targeted by effects or Abilities that specify a Rare or higher creature;

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- You do not pay a cost until the card triggers / begins resolving;

          - This means that you can nullify or cancel out a symmetry or Ability that has a cost by playing cards in response that destroy their energy source; 

                    •  Example: If your opponent plays Vortex and they only have 1 energy on their field (which they are going to use to pay the cost), and you play a Cataclysm in response and destroy that energy, their Vortex will "fizzle" and go straight to the graveyard without resolving since there would be no energy to pay the cost;

                    •  Example: Likewise, if your opponent plays Unsummon on your only creature on the field (and they also have no creatures on their field), you may stack/play Reversion on your own creature to send it back to your hand. The opponent's Unsummon would then have no available targets, "fizzle" and go straight to the graveyard without happening, and your opponent would not have to pay its cost; 

[NEW- Players can only pay cost(s) using energy source(s) available to them (i.e. hand, field or from beneath their Main Deck);

          - You can pay energy from beneath your own Main Deck because that is an energy source available to you, however, your teammate cannot; 

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Energy Movement:

- When you play energy from your hand onto the field during your Energy Phase:

     • The energy that's played on the current turn can still be rearranged as long as: you're still in your Energy Phase AND no effects or Abilities have affected the energy pile;

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Playback Rule:

- When a symmetry card or effect is played in response to your symmetry card or Ability, the card played most recently (card on top of the stack) happens first. Then, any remaining cards that must resolve experience Playback and may change targets if the owner chooses;

- Playback also happens when a creature is attacking and another card effect causes a target to change or the state of the game to change. In this instance, Playback takes place and the attacking creature may change targets or stop attacking all together;

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Playing During the Draw Phase:

- Once you begin drawing during your Draw Phase, no player is allowed to activate effects or Abilities until you finish drawing because a player draws simultaneously from their Main Deck and Energy Deck, and the Draw Phase is uninterruptable

          Example: You can't play Forest of Crags during your Draw Phase if that's the first card you drew before drawing 2 more from the Main Deck;

          Example: You can't play Vortex in the middle of your opponent's Draw Phase after they draw Main Deck cards, but before they draw energy cards, or vice versa;

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Deck Recycles:

- A Deck Recycle is naturally performed ONLY when you need to draw (i.e. due to an effect, Ability or the Draw Phase) and your Main Deck has zero cards left;  

     - Any card effect or Ability that allows the player to perform a Deck Recycle (such as Starborn Outbreak) overrides the base rule for when a Deck Recycle could be performed;

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Creature Abilities:

- When a creature is summoned and it has a "When this creature is summoned..." Ability, the opponent can play symmetry cards in response to the summon, thereby stacking over the summoned creature's Ability;

[NEW] - Creature Abilities and Symmetry effects are the same speed, and can be triggered in response to each other; Abilities and symmetries can all enter the Stack or response chain;

[NEW] - You cannot manually interrupt or respond to an effect or Ability that is currently resolving, unless those card(s) naturally trigger something during the course of their resolution (i.e. automated effects and Abilities can still "interrupt" other activated effects / Abilities [such as triggering a Vanquish, Reverser of Time in the middle of a reveal], but players cannot manually interrupt them at will [such as playing Reversion or Unsummon in the middle of Ethereal Aurorialis' Ability after the owner reveals the top card of their Main Deck]);

[NEW] - If a "once per turn" Ability fizzles, it is counted as "used" for the turn, even though none of it resolved. The reason is that it was originally activated and waiting to resolve on the stack, but something caused it to fizzle. This ruling works similarly to how when a symmetry fizzles, it goes to the graveyard instead of back to the hand;

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Field Tracking (What is Considered to be 'In-Play'?):

- The field only tracks what is "in-play". Cards in your hand, Main Deck, Energy Deck, graveyard and beneath the Main Deck are NOT considered to be in-play;

- If under any circumstance a creature re-enters play due to an effect or Ability, it registers as a new creature on the field and is able to attack again (even if it already attacked during that same turn before leaving play);

[NEW] - If an effect or Ability is in the middle of resolving, it must finish resolving even if the original card left play; 

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Timing & Speed of Resolution:

- Timing is important because there is always a 'point-of-entry' or moment of activation for card effects, creature Abilities & Afterthought Abilities;

- Abilities can stack just like symmetry effects and are even treated as being in the same stack together when they each trigger and need to resolve at the same time;

[NEW] - Creature Abilities, Afterthought Abilities and Symmetry effects are the same speed, and can be triggered in response to each other;

- Once an Ability or effect has started to resolve, it is generally too late for any other Ability or effect to interrupt;

     • Automatic Abilities such as Reveal that trigger on their own or are    forced to activate by another card effect or Ability can interject and resolve in the middle of another resolution. (Example: Summon Council of Galaxies to reveal Vanquish, Reverser of Time from the top of your Main Deck. Vanquish's Ability triggers and resolves before you decide to put it back on the top or bottom of your Main Deck as part of Council's Ability);

     • Manual effects / Abilities cannot be activated while another effect or Ability is resolving (Example: Playing Forest of Crags in the middle of a Vortex draw);

- What if I already declared an attack? Attacking is not an effect, it is an action that's part of a general Phase of a Turn. All symmetries & Abilities are instant-speed and can interrupt normal gameplay;

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- Effect / Ability Priority: There is no such thing as 'priority' when it comes to who is allowed to activate card effects or Abilities first when multiple players wish to activate a card effect / Ability; 

- However, a timing ruling comes into play when two cards are activated on the field at the exact same moment by different players, in response to an action / effect / Ability: 

     When both players want to activate an effect / Ability in response to another card or action (such as both players' symmetries hitting the field at the same time, but in response to the original card and not to each other), the turn player's symmetry gains priority. This timing ruling shall only be utilized in the case where there is no clear, definitive answer as to which player's card hit the table first. However, the non-turn player's symmetry does NOT go back to the hand and is instead considered to be 'on the stack' waiting to trigger and begin resolving; 

          - This is especially important for a scenario like: Turn-player activates Vortex ->Turn player plays Cryocrest Crags while the non-turn player simultaneously plays (not responds with) some kind of draw-power card like Glimpse of the Sanctuary or Crystal Bell which happens to be the last card in their hand. The turn player's Cryocrest Crags tries to resolve first, but fizzles out and goes to the graveyard since the non-turn player no longer has any cards left in his/her hand at that point. Then, the non-turn player's draw card will resolve. Finally, the turn player's Vortex will happen last and the game will continue as normal; 

          - Another possible scenario where the game's outcome could be greatly affected is an Energize from the turn-player while they only have a 1-energy creature on the field against the non-turn player's Cataclysm or Leech; 

* In every instance, the above ruling(s) will be applied to provide a clear solution where disputes arise;

- Creature Priority: Similar to symmetry priority, in the instance where two creature Abilities are triggering at once (such as two creatures with a "just before the attack hits" effect), the turn player's creature will have priority and activate first; 

      •  The non-turn player's creature Ability is still 'on the stack' and will resolve immediately after the turn player's creature Ability finishes resolving; 

          - Example: Turn player declares an attack with their 1-energy Vastion the World's Hollow, and targets their opponent's 3-energy Paladin's Parable. Turn player's Vastion Ability will trigger first, giving Vastion +1 Energy, making it a 2-energy creature just before the attack hits. Paladin's Ability will then activate and cause the two battling creatures to switch Energy levels before the attack hits, thus putting Paladin's Parable at 2 Energy, and Vastion at 3 Energy;

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Card(s) are considered revealed only when an Ability or effect uses the word "reveal" in its text. (The Cause)
It is the act of card(s) being shown or made known to all players. (The Effect)
Whenever hidden cards become public knowledge, they are being made viewable to all players; they are not considered "revealed" unless stated as such by a card effect or Ability. 
Cards are generally revealed from zones that are hidden to one or more players like the hand or Main Deck;

- Cards with effects that activate when revealed only activate if a card with the keyword "reveal" is used. Looking at a players hand or knowing what's in their hand does not trigger reveal effects unless the reveal keyword is listed on that card.
i.e. "show" or "look" doesn't trigger cards with "revealed".

- Cards usually cannot be revealed from the field or graveyard, as those areas are normally already viewable by all players;

- Players cannot simply choose to reveal a card; reveal is by Ability or effect only. (Example: A player can't voluntarily show a card in their hand to their opponent just to activate a "When this card is revealed..." effect);

[NEW]When multiple reveal effects are being triggered, the player gets to determine the order of resolution, since they're all being revealed simultaneously. This is similar to how players get to choose the order of resolution when multiple of their cards unfreeze at the same time.

[NEW] - If a card causes you to reveal the top of the Main Deck, and the revealed card also triggers a new Main Deck reveal, you would then “dig” or reveal the next top card, since the top-most card is already being revealed (i.e. a revealed Hissing Spore Valshroom reveals another copy of itself);

[NEW] - In Team 2v2, if all 4 players have cards being revealed at the same time, the turn player gains priority; Priority is then passed to their teammate, and lastly to the opposing team who may decide which partner between them resolves first within the stack;

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- When a card is frozen, it is flipped face-down on the field. It remains frozen until the end of the owner's next available turn, unless otherwise specified. Most effects that induce freezing will specify the duration its target is frozen, but in the absence of clarification text, it should ALWAYS be assumed that the frozen card will unfreeze at the end of its owner's next turn; 

- Cards scheduled to unfreeze at the end of the turn will flip and unfreeze when the End Phase is entered, not when the turn is over
     - The owner may choose the order of resolution if multiple cards unfreeze and need to resolve;

- Frozen cards still retain all of their attributes (such as Type, Rarity, Name, etc.); they are not ignored entirely, and are still considered to be "in play"

  • Frozen creatures simply cannot attack. Any Abilities on the frozen creature are still active, and the creature still counts as "defense" on the field. The opponent must still get through the frozen creature by attacking or using a card effect / Ability to destroy or bypass it;
  • Frozen symmetries are considered "inactive". The symmetry's effect will not trigger or resolve until the card unfreezes again;
  • Frozen energy that's attached to a creature does not count as damage dealt during battle, and it is destroyed last when the creature takes damage. Any frozen energy can be paid as a cost;

- Frozen creatures can still be targeted by effects and be attacked by opposing creatures; they still deal and receive damage normally if attacked or forced into battle by an effect;

- Since frozen creatures are still considered to be "in play", any Abilities that are active "while this creature is on the field / in play" can still be used and are considered active, despite the creature being frozen;

- Any type of frozen card can be used to pay a cost, so long as the card type of the frozen card matches the cost's type requirement (i.e. if a card says "pay 1 energy", you may pay a frozen energy in play, but you may not pay 1 frozen symmetry. However, if a card targets 1 "frozen card" you may then pay any frozen creature, symmetry, energy, etc. on your field);

- Frozen cards can be viewed by players at any time and are considered "public knowledge"; 

- Can I target a frozen creature in play and freeze it again to reset the timer or to fulfill a requirement for a card effect? A: No, you cannot. You must select a creature that is not already frozen. Frozen cards can't be frozen again because they're already frozen. For this reason, overrides are not possible. It's up to the card's owner to remember if and when their card unfreezes

- Can I put a creature on frozen energy? A: You can't summon a creature on a pile that is made up of any amount of frozen energy unless with a card effect;

- Can a frozen creature gain energy? A: Yes, but only by card effects or Abilities;

- What happens if a creature & all energy attached to it is previously frozen, but the creature unfreezes while its energy stays frozen (or vice-versa)? A: It's possible for one to become unfrozen while the other remains frozen. If the creature is unfrozen, it can attack, but any frozen energy attached is excluded as dealt damage during battle;

- When attacking a creature with partially frozen energy (i.e. a 5-energy creature with 2 of those 5 being frozen), non-frozen energy is always used up first in battle;

[NEW] - A frozen Chrono that leaves play and becomes an Afterthought results in the Afterthought entering play unfrozen due to the card type having changed;

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Multiplayer Mode:

- There are two possible types of Multiplayer games: team battles and free-for-all battles. All of the same game rules apply in both versions, however, during any Multiplayer game, if a card effect or Ability says "each player", then the effect / Ability will happen to every player in the game. If a card says "your opponent", then you must select only 1 opponent for the effect / Ability to happen to. [NEW]  Certain cards may say "each player on your team", in which the card will only effect you and your teammates, and other cards might say "each opponent", which will effect every active opponent in the game; 

- The player who goes last in any type of Multiplayer game will be the only one allowed to attack on their first turn. After the last player ends their first turn, then everyone will be allowed to attack as usual for the rest of the game; 

   Team Battles:

- In a team battle, such as 2v2, teammates will share 10 Life Points and their field, so players must clear creatures off both opponent’s side of the field in order to attack their shared Life Points directly (aside from using direct-damage effects / Abilities);

[NEW] - Teammates share a field, following the rule: always keep your cards separate whenever possible;

[NEW] - When resolving a symmetry that requires you to to perform an action or fulfill a card effect, the owner of the card completes the action (even if they weren't the one who triggered it);
          - When resolving a creature Ability that says "you" instead of "each player" or "each player on your team", you may choose which player on your team (you or your partner) gets to perform the action such as reveal, add energy, etc;

1) During your Energy Phase, you cannot add energy from your hand to your teammate's blank piles as if they were your own;

2) During your Creature Phase, you cannot summon your own creatures on your teammate's blank piles as if they were your own, UNLESS:

     a. That blank pile is comprised of any of your own energy cards (i.e. your Siphon from Thoughts is attached to your teammate's energy pile);

     b. An effect or Ability allows you to do so;

- Symmetry cards can be played to help a teammate, such as player A using Energize to add 1 energy to their teammates field (but the energy will come from player B’s Energy Deck, thus keeping the players’ cards separate. If your teammate has zero energy cards left in their Energy Deck, then you may add 1 of your own energy to the target);

- Teammates are allowed to look at each other’s hands and strategize their moves together, however, they are not allowed to directly play a card from their teammate’s hand;

- Turn order must alternate between teams, such as: Player A on team 1 > player A on team 2 > player B on team 1 > player B on team 2;

For sanctioned Organized Play 2v2 tournaments:

  • Both players on a team are required to either play all-Chrono type decks, or all non-Chrono type decks (this rule is only active for Season 3 of Organized Play, from 8/1/19—Worlds 2020). It’s up to the tournament organizer during deck checks to make sure that Chrono decks don’t contain any non-Chrono type creatures, and vice-versa; 
  • Games will be played best-of-1 instead of the usual best-2-of-3 due to the allowance of players strategizing and helping their teammate in real-time. To compensate for the lower number of games per match, a Mulligan Rule will be active for this format only: Players are allowed to pick any cards from their Starting Hand and shuffle those card(s) back to their deck and redraw the same number of cards once each before the game begins; 

  • The official starting procedure for 2v2 is as follows:
    1) Decide who goes first and turn order (clockwise or counterclockwise), alternating teams for each turn (turns should progress in an N-shape);
    2) Draw Starting Hand but do not check for Ability triggers;
    3) Mulligan (shuffle any number of undesired cards back into the deck and draw an equal number of replacement cards); each player may perform the Mulligan one time during this step;
    4) Check for Ability triggers as the game officially begins;

   Free-for-All Battles:

- Each player has their own 10 Life Points and single field, just like in a normal 1v1 battle. Turns will occur either in clockwise or counter-clockwise order, at the discretion of the player who goes first. All of the normal game rules apply.

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Harmony Rares:


- Only 1 Harmony Rare can be in play at a time; 

- At the start of the game, a Harmony Rare will begin on the "Eeventide Field" side between both players in the middle or side of the field. The "Continuous Effect" will be active until one player Awakens the Harmony Rare and flips it to the Creature side;

     • Each player can only Awaken a Harmony Rare once per game;

     • When the Creature side is destroyed, the Harmony Rare returns to the Eeventide Field side, and can then be Awoken again by any other players who have not yet Awakened the Harmony Rare during that game (if they meet the requirements);

- The owner of the Harmony Rare must present their Harmony Rare as a playable option before the start of the game. The player who goes 2nd gets to decidebefore the game startswhether a Harmony Rare will be used, and which one will be used, if there are multiple choices available (i.e. if both players present a Harmony Rare before the start of the game);

- During competitive play, the owner of the Harmony Rare must include their Harmony Rare as part of their Decklist to the tournament organizer (if they wish to play it during the tournament), and must present the Harmony Rare at the start of each game;

Eeventide, the Paradoxical Planet / Chaos Chasm Eeventide Awoken

If both players simultaneously reach 0 Life Points (i.e. via Star Struggle), then the secondary method for determining a "winner" is used. When Life Points are equal:

Secondary Method Used to Determine Winner (In Sequential Order):

  1. Player with the highest number of Energy cards on the field.
  2. Player with the highest number of Creatures on the field.
  3. Player with the highest number of cards in hand.

 - The player that's determined the "winner" from the secondary method will obtain priority to Awaken the Harmony Rare; 

     • However, the game will end immediately after the Awakening Ability resolves, since both players had simultaneously hit 0 Life Points. The player that did not Awaken the Harmony Rare is still at 0 when their opponent used the Awakening Ability, so the game will naturally end; 


Sleeping Sanctum, the Untouchable Forest / Vital Sanctuary Eeventide's Ascent

■ [NEW] The part of Vital Sanctuary's Ability that deals Life Point damage as it Awakens is not part of a cost or requirement for Awakening; 

     - The only requirement for Awakening is to "skip your Draw Phase" at the start of your turn (assuming it isn't your first turn); 

■ [NEW] Cards like Crystallize, Devourer of Dimensions, Shardscale Pterohedron, etc. attempt to "cancel" or "negate" or prevent Abilities from activating, and thereby stop this creature's Ability--none of those can affect Sanctuary's Ability as it is Awakening;

     [NEW] - Anathema's creature side Ability is a blanket effect that says, "Life Points cannot change" while visible, affecting this HR in the following way(s): 

     [NEW] Vital Sanctuary's Awakening isn't being tampered with by Anathema, nor is it being targeted, nor is its entire Ability trying to be stopped--Anathema's Ability simply causes the Life Point damage portion of Sanctuary's Ability to be ignored since Life Points cannot change (i.e. do as much as possible);

     [NEW] Vital Sanctuary's starting energy count will be higher when it enters play while Anathema's Ability is active since none of the players are dealt damage when it Awakens;

■ [NEW] Flashfire's Afterthought Ability will protect that player or that player's team from being dealt damage by Vital Sanctuary's Ability;

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(Set 1) Birth of Creation

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Chains affects the player and does not target the creatures themselves;

          - Example: Even if a player is 'chained', he or she still cannot attack with a Lantern Leaflore (even though Leaflore is unaffected by symmetry cards) because the player is unable to command the creature to execute the attack;

■ Chains only stops a player from attacking for that turn;

         - Due to the wording "...it remains on the field until its effect has occurred", this card is considered to be resolved and goes to the graveyard after the chained player is done with their Attack Phase (upon entering End Phase);

          - Example: If Chains is played in response to your opponent's Vortex that's currently unfreezing at the end of their turn, Chains will be considered already resolved (since your opponent has already finished their Attack Phase for that turn), and will go the graveyard;

         ■ Due to the wording "If this card is played on your opponent's turn, they cannot attack during that turn", the effect is considered resolved upon the End Phase regardless of whether or not the player attacked that turn; 


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Leech is an all-or-nothing type of card; 

          - Because its effect is broken up into 2 sentences, the first effect can't happen unless the second is possible and vice-versa;

■ Leech cannot be used to start a new pile of energy; it must be added to an existing one;

■ Leech can be played in response to a "When this creature is summoned..." Ability and will stop the Ability if it destroys the creature's last energy; 


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■ When this card is played, both players can still stack symmetry cards in response before discarding their hand; 

          - Cards played in response to Vortex happen first;

          - If a Vortex is played in response to a Vortex, players can continue playing symmetries or activating Abilities by "adding to the stack" after the first Vortex has resolved, due to symmetries and Abilities being instant-speed; 

Vortex can be played at the start or end of a player's Draw Phase, but NOT in the middle while they are still drawing;

Card effects or Abilities cannot be played or trigger in the middle of Vortex resolving. (Example: You cannot play Forest of Crags between the cards drawn from Vortex); (Example: Your opponent cannot play Drifter's Dueling between the cards drawn from Vortex);


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Cloudburst Spiral

You do not need to have another card in your hand to discard in order to play Cloudburst Spiral;


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(Set 2) Galaxy Tides

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Apparition Grove

After you attack with creature A, then play Apparition Grove to switch creature A with creature B in your hand, creature B may attack since it is a new creature, even though it is using the same pile of energy;

          - Example: If your Princess of Blades attacks, then you use Apparition Grove to switch it with a Legendary Blade Luhzarus in your hand, Luhzarus may attack immediately. Then, you could also Pay 1 energy to trigger its Ability: Blade Barrage and have Luhzarus attack yet again;

Apparition Grove can be used on a Legendary Blade Luhzarus on your field to switch it with a second Legendary Blade Luhzarus in your hand to effectively attack 4 times per turn with the same pile of energy OR up to 6 times per turn if you have 2x Apparition Grove;

*Technical Ruling: The player must declare/show (not reveal because it does not trigger any "reveal" effects) the card that will be replacing the creature targeted by Apparition Grove (creature B). The player should be proactive by lowering creature B from their hand to the table while simultaneously lifting creature A from the table to their hand; that way, all players can see there are clearly 2 different cards being switched in/out of play;


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Crystal Command Andromeda

■ This creature's Ability acts the same as Freeze mechanically, but as it doesn't use the keyword "freeze", it doesn't count toward the freeze-count in play;


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Cosmic Shield Archangel

■ When this creature is summoned, its Ability must trigger unless it is removed from the field in response to being summoned; 

          - You do not pay the energy cost for its Ability until it triggers;

■ Its Ability states that players must only "send a Rare creature" from their field to the graveyard, therefore all attached energy remains in play;

■ If Archangel is summoned on a pile of 1 energy and you pay the cost from itself, the Ability is in the middle of resolving, so both players must send a Rare on the field to their graveyard. However, Archangel has no energy left and is immediately sent to the graveyard. In this case, it does not count as your Rare and you must select another Rare creature on your field to send to the graveyard if one is available


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Victory, Keeper of the Order

Victory's Ability "Royal Decree" makes all of your other Order creatures (besides herself) unable to be attacked by your opponent while she is on the field; 

          - If you have 2 Victory, Keeper of the Order on the field, your opponent cannot attack either one because of each affecting the other;

                    •  If you have 2 Victory, Keeper of the Order on the field, your opponent must destroy or remove a Victory, Keeper of the Order by other means (symmetry or creature Abilities) before they can attack your Order creatures;


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Ethereal Aurorialis

■ When this creature attacks, it must always use its Ability "Transcendent Force" (the Ability is not optional);

■ When declaring an attack using Ethereal Aurorialis, your opponent must choose to play or not play any cards in response before the top card of your Main Deck is revealed;

          - By the time its Ability has triggered, it is too late for you or your opponent to activate any symmetry cards in response until after damage has been dealt;

■ When attacking with Ethereal Aurorialis, the team that controls it may choose to reveal the top card of the Main Deck belonging to any player on their team in Multiplayer format;

■ [NEW] When attacking with Ethereal Aurorialis and Anathema is revealed by its Ability, Ethereal Aurorialis attacks both yours and your opponent's Life Points at once due to Anathema being both a creature and a symmetry;


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Lantern Leaflore

This creature's Ability is immediately active from the moment it hits the field / is put into play;

■ While this creature is on the field, it is unaffected by all symmetry cards (both yours and your opponent's);

          - NOTE: Energy attached to it cannot be affected by symmetry effects;
          - Costs on symmetry cards are considered part of the effect, so you also are not able to pay energy from Lantern Leaflore to fulfill the cost of one of your symmetries;

■ Symmetries that select or target creatures do not affect Lantern Leaflore;

■ Symmetries that affect all creatures in play without specifying targets do not affect Lantern Leaflore;


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Glimpse of the Sanctuary

Because both parts of this card's effect involve the word, "may", you do not have to add an energy to a blank pile in order to draw a card from your Main Deck;

          - Your opponent can add an energy to one of their blank piles either way, as long as they have blank pile(s) of energy on their field;

 EACH player on a team may add 1 energy to a blank pile on their shared field due to a single activation of Glimpse of the Sanctuary

          - Energy added this way can be added to the same pile or different piles;


Tethered to Eeventide

This card's effect targets an opposing creature AND that creature's energy simultaneously;

■ This card's requirement is not considered a cost;

          - You may resolve the rest of this card's effect if you fulfill the condition of having 1 Life Point, or if you can ignore the requirement entirely due to an effect or Ability, such as Silent Irregularity's Afterthought Ability.

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(Set 3) Crystal Forge

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Vanquish, Reverser of Time

If you reveal a Vanquish, Reverser of Time due to Mortarbloom Liege's "Clarity Cannon" Ability, Vanquish's "Luminescent Chance" Ability allows you to send a card from your opponent's Main Deck to their graveyard; you MAY select one of the two cards being revealed from the "Clarity Cannon" Ability as those cards are still considered part of their Main Deck while they are being revealed;


Harbinger Mushroom

This creature's Ability deals 2 damage to the opposing team in 2v2 format whenever it's revealed, since it specifies "each opponent".


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Carcery the Chemical Oddity

When this creature enters play (whether by summon, symmetry effect, switch effect, etc.), its Ability triggers immediately, but symmetry cards can be played in response to its Ability before it begins resolving;

You must have at least 1 of all three Rarities (Common, Uncommon, Rare) on your field in order to blow up their energy and cause direct damage to your opponent's Life Points;

          - If you do not meet all of the conditions (i.e. missing only 1 Rarity), you lose 2 Life Points when this creature enters play;

          - You cannot use this creature's Ability if you do not meet all of the Ability's requirements;

Carcery's "Energy Heartpulse" Ability is an all-or-nothing effect: you cannot pick and choose how many energies from each creature to explode for the effect;

■ If you have more than 1 creature of a certain Rarity in play when this Ability triggers, you may choose which of your creatures to use as part of this Ability's effect;

          - Due to the wording, you cannot choose multiple creatures of the same Rarity for this effect, it must be exactly one of each Rarity;

          - Carcery the Chemical Oddity can choose itself to meet the Rare requirement as part of its Ability since it is a 3-star Rare and it is counted as being 'in play' when it hits the table;


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Starlit Expanse

Energy cannot be placed on top of the Main Deck with this effect;

          - Energy cards can't enter the Main Deck, so only a creature or symmetry card can be chosen by this card's effect;


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Howling Synthesis

■ When a creature is switched due to this card effect, the new creature that is put into play is considered "summoned" (therefore, any on-summon Abilities will trigger);

 Attack Abilities won't trigger when those creatures switch into play from Howling Synthesis because the original creature was the one that already declared the attack; 

          - Any "When this creature attacks..." Ability cannot be triggered if it is swapped into play via Synthesis because of missed timing, however, summon/put into play/enter play Abilities will still trigger & resolve;

          - You can still resolve effects/Abilities in any order, including attack Abilities of the creature being swapped out, however, players cannot resolve attack Abilities of the creature being swapped in so as to prevent the abuse of certain attack Abilities; 

 When attacking with a creature while there are 2 Howling Synthesis active in play, simultaneously reveal the top 2 cards of the Main Deck as potential switch targets;

          - If the switch target is the 2nd topmost card, for example, the attacking creature replaces the target as the 2nd topmost card of the Main Deck;

 While this card is in play and active during a team battle, the owner of the attacking creature reveals the top card of his or her Main Deck (even if a teammate declared an attack with your creature), so that any potential switch does not cause a creature to end up in another player's deck;


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Crystallize cannot target or affect Lantern Leaflore;

On-summon creature Abilities (i.e. "When this creature is summoned...") can be negated by this card (if played in response to the creature being summoned). After the end of the turn, the creature will already have been summoned and its on-summon Ability will not trigger;


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Mortarbloom Liege

The cards revealed by this creature's Ability are put back in the same order they are revealed;

If you reveal a Vanquish, Reverser of Time due to this creature's "Clarity Cannon" Ability, Vanquish's "Luminescent Chance" Ability allows you to send a card from your opponent's Main Deck to their graveyard; you MAY select one of the two cards being revealed from the "Clarity Cannon" Ability as those cards are still considered part of their Main Deck and are only being revealed;


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Handbell Dancer Gravitas

If this creature is put into play by a card effect (i.e. Nebulawood Barrier, Apparition Grove, etc.) which was played as a response to the activation of a creature Ability, Handbell Dancer Gravitas' Ability "Silencing Toll" will be on top of the stack / response chain, and if it resolves first, it will effectively cancel out or negate the original Ability that was trying to activate;

          - Example: If the opponent's Emberia, Bringer of Infernos hits the field and you put Handbell Dancer Gravitas into play with Nebulawood Barrierin response to Emberia being summonedGravitas' Ability resolves first and would stop Emberia's Ability from activating for that turn; 

          - Any subsequent opposing Abilities that try to activate will not trigger on the same turn after Handbell Dancer Gravitas was put into play via an effect (including Lantern Leaflore's Ability after "Silencing Toll" has successfully resolved);

■ If the opponent is summoning or putting Lantern Leaflore into play and you respond with an effect that puts Handbell Dancer Gravitas into play, Leaflore's Ability will still be active since it already triggered and resolved when it hit the field;

Any creature Abilities that were already active before Handbell Dancer Gravitas came into play are still active, as his Ability only stops future opposing creature Abilities from activating for the rest of the turn;


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Guild Warfare

Guild Warfare can be used if you have 1 or more creatures in play;

ALL of your creatures in play must share a type (even if they are multiple types) to use its effect; 

          - Example: If you have a Drangel (Dragon/Angel) and a Portalback Dragon (Dragon) in play, you MAY use Guild Warfare. However, if you have a Drangel (Dragon/Angel), a Portalback Dragon (Dragon) and a Concerto Virtuoso (Order) in play, you CANNOT use Guild Warfare;


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(Set 4) Converging Chasms

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Roxanne the Final Paladin

■ When Roxanne attacks, she deals damage equal to her energy to EVERY other creature on the field at once (both yours and your opponent's); her damage is NOT split up

■ When Roxanne attacks your opponent directly, she still deals and receives damage from your own creatures (if any are in play). The amount of energy she has when she declares the attack is the amount she deals to your opponent's Life Points;

          [NEW]  - In Multiplayer free-for-all format, Roxanne can attack an opponent directly that is wide open as her attack target, but she will still battle all other creatures in play (both yours and any opponent's);

In a Multiplayer duel, Roxanne will attack and receive damage from every opponent's creature on the field, as well as your own;

■ If Roxanne the Final Paladin attacks while the opponent has a Mistrai Driftwood on the field, and the player controlling Mistrai Driftwood activates its "Evanescent Hollow" Ability to let the attack pass through, Roxanne hits the opponent's Life Points directly and all other creatures in play, and takes damage from those other creatures (except Mistrai Driftwood, which survives);

          - If multiple opponents have Mistrai Driftwood in play and they are all attacked by Roxanne, she deals damage to each opponent that chooses to let the attack pass through, while also battling any other creatures in play;

■ When Roxanne attacks while a Victory, Keeper of the Order is on the field, Roxanne will hit Victory, and all non-Order type creatures, including your own creatures. Due to Victory's Ability, Roxanne cannot hit other Order type creatures;

     ■ If the opponent has 2 Victory, Keeper of the Order when Roxanne attacks, Roxanne will only hit non-Order type creatures, as well as your own creatures;


Paladin's Parable

■ When Paladin's Parable attacks another Paladin's Parable, the turn player / attacking player chooses which Parable's Ability resolves first;

          - Due to the timing of both Abilities attempting to switch energy at the same time, the turn player decides the order of resolution
similar to how the turn player may choose the order of resolution of symmetry cards that unfreeze at the end of their turn.


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Planetary Crag of the Cosmos

■ Your other Shardfolk are considered "targeted" when your opponent uses an effect or Ability that lets them "choose" or "select"; 

You cannot use this Ability against an effect or Ability that affects all other creatures in play (i.e. Roxanne the Final Paladin or Chaos Chasm, Eeventide Awoken);

■ This Ability can be used to interrupt a symmetry because the text specifically says, "effect or Ability" and a symmetry is a type of effect; 

          - This Ability can be activated and used at any time as long as Planetary Crag of the Cosmos is on your field;

                    •  If this Ability was used to redirect a target, it can still be responded to, however, it can continue to interrupt those new responses via Playback;

■ This Ability prohibits the opponent from choosing a new target by normal means, such as through Playback, because the text specifically states, "The target cannot be changed afterwards"; 

■ If Planetary Crag of the Cosmos is already frozen and its Ability is used to redirect a freeze target to itself, the freeze will fizzle out due to Planetary Crag already being frozen;


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Mistrai Driftwood

■ If Roxanne the Final Paladin attacks while the opponent has a Mistrai Driftwood on the field, and the player controlling Mistrai Driftwood activates its "Evanescent Hollow" Ability to let the attack pass through, Roxanne hits the opponent's Life Points directly and all other creatures in play, and takes damage from those other creatures (except Mistrai Driftwood, which survives);

■ If Drangel is on the field when a Common Dragon or Angel attacks Mistrai Driftwood, the Common Dragon or Angel still gains 1 energy from Drangel's Ability, even if Mistrai Driftwood's controller lets the attack pass through due to the original target being a Rare creature;

■ When you declare a direct attack using Mistrai Driftwood's Ability while you have Howling Synthesis active on the field, resulting in you revealing a creature, and you switch Mistrai Driftwood with the revealed creature, the revealed creature comes into play & replaces Mistrai Driftwood "just before the attack hits". Any "enter play", "put into play" or "summon" Abilities on the new creature will trigger and resolve, and then that creature will continue on the same attack path originally declared by Mistrai Driftwood. The new creature will be destroyed along with all energy attached after the attack, since the entirety of Driftwood's Ability is implied (and Driftwood is no longer in play);


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Amethyst Voidcap

This creature's Ability will fail to resolve if it is activated in response to a Symmetry that causes a Deck Recycle (i.e. Starborn Outbreak). This is due to the fact that Symmetry speed is faster than speed of Creature Abilities; 

■ You can activate this Ability before or after card drawing occurs, but not during; (Example: if you need to draw 3 cards from Vortex or your Draw Phase, you can't draw 1 card, trigger Voidcap's Ability, and then draw the other 2); 


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Tanglewood Snag

■ This creature's Ability can be activated at any time during your turn. But, if activated in response to a Symmetry, the Symmetry will still resolve firstThis is due to the fact that Symmetry speed is faster than speed of Creature Abilities;

■ If this creature's Ability is on the stack, and it leaves play, the Ability will fizzle when it comes time to resolve, since Tanglewood is no longer in play;


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Embershard Siren

This creature's Ability states, "When this creature WOULD be discarded from your hand, you may put it into play onto an existing blank pile of energy INSTEAD". Any discard effect such as Vortex, Cloudburst Spiral, Thoughts of Progress, Dimensional Destruction, Reevaluate, etc., will easily trigger its Ability and let you put it into play and destroy an energy. But since it is never actually discarded, it doesn't count as a discarded card. You wouldn't count it in the case of Reevaluate, and you would need to choose and discard a different card after its Ability resolves in the case of Dimensional Destruction or Thoughts of Progress;


Horncrest Cloudgorger

  [NEW] When this creature attacks and its Ability resolves, you or any player on your team may send the top card of the Main Deck to the graveyard to fulfill its requirement during Multiplayer or 2v2 format;


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Ephemra the Star Shield

If a 2nd Ephemra is drawn from this creature's "Guard Glare" Ability, it is still part of the starting hand during the start of the game, so the 2nd Ephemra's Ability will trigger, allowing you to draw an additional 2 cards from each deck;

■  [NEW] Ephemra's Ability doesn't activate until after mulligans are completed in 2v2 format;


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Turbine Apparatus

Turbine Apparatus' "Reforge Parts" Ability  is an all-or-nothing type of effect; 

          - Because its effect is broken up into 2 sentences, the first effect can't happen unless the second is possible and vice-versa;

          - You must have at least 1 Machine-type creature in your graveyard to use this creature's Ability, otherwise, nothing happens when it is summoned;

■ You may draw the 1 card from either the Main Deck or Energy Deck;


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Starborn Outbreak

■ Due to the wording, "Each player performs an immediate Deck Recycle", both players (or all in a Multiplayer game) MUST shuffle their Main Deck regardless of whether or not that player has any cards in their graveyard;

     - This effect does not say "may" or "if possible", it simply instructs each player to do so. As such, this card should be treated as a "do as much as possible" type of effect;


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Starsleet Downpour

Once played, this card may only leave the field once the condition of "until one of your Rare creatures leaves play" is met. You may not discard it if there are no Rare creatures on your field that leave play;


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ALL of your creatures in play must share a type (even if they are multiple types) to use its effect; 

          - Example: If you have a Drangel (Dragon/Angel) and a Portalback Dragon (Dragon) in play, you MAY use Guild Warfare. However, if you have a Drangel (Dragon/Angel), a Portalback Dragon (Dragon) and a Concerto Virtuoso (Order) in play, you CANNOT use Guild Warfare;


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Dragonis Warden

■ You MUST have a creature in play to send to the bottom of the Main Deck in order to use this card effect; 


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(Set 5) The Dimension That Disappeared

Wording / Terminology Updates:

As of Set 5, a number of key phrases and terminology words have been updated for clarification purposes (i.e. the base meanings haven't changed--words and phrases have just been simplified / made consistent). Please see Terminology for the full, updated list.

General Rulings:

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■ As stated on the above rule card, but for clarification: Afterthoughts are not considered creatures while they're in play as Afterthoughts. Once an Afterthought leaves play, it immediately turns back into a creature;

■ Afterthoughts can be targeted for freeze, but a frozen Afterthought Ability is still active because Afterthoughts are originally transformed creatures (Chronos), which aren't made of stardust or native to Eeventide. You can freeze an Afterthought, but it will only contribute to the freeze count. Frozen Afterthoughts can still use their Abilities, and any lingering effects are still active;

[NEW] - A frozen Chrono that leaves play and becomes an Afterthought results in the Afterthought entering play unfrozen due to the card type having changed;

If a Chrono with an Afterthought Ability returns to the owner's hand from the field (such as by a bounce effect or by unfreezing), the owner has the option to turn that creature into an Afterthought instead.

Energy Beneath the Main Deck

As of Set 5, numerous cards will give you the option to add energy beneath your Main Deck. What are those for?

Any cards that are "beneath the Main Deck" are not part of the Main Deck, nor are they considered to be "the bottom of" / "at the bottom of" the Main Deck. These cards are entirely separate and are considered to be underneath / beneath the deck;

■ You can use energy that's beneath the Main Deck to pay for costs. This energy is not considered to be "in play", but it is a usable resource, such as your hand, since it's outside of the Energy Deck;

■ Energy beneath the Main Deck cannot be targeted (outside of costs), since it's not "in play";

Energy beneath the Main Deck will never leave that place unless a card specifically calls it out (such as Eroda the Flickering Facade); 

■ If the Main Deck runs out and Eroda is not beneath the Main Deck and being triggered, but energy is still present there, nothing in particular happens to that energy. It will remain beneath the Main Deck even after a Deck Recycleuntil a card calls that energy out or it is used up with costs.

Players can only pay cost(s) using energy source(s) available to them (i.e. hand, field or from beneath their Main Deck);

          - You can pay energy from beneath your own Main Deck because that is an energy source available to you, however, your teammate cannot; 


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 Since this card is double-sided and both the symmetry and creature side have the same card name, having 1 of this card in your Main Deck automatically counts as 2 copies and fills the 2-card maximum;

          - The card physically counts as 1 card in the deck and on the deck list, but the name printed twice on the card fulfills the 2-count maximum copies by name in deck-building;

  [NEW] The first part of the effect on the symmetry side is not a costdo as much as possible; 

     [NEW] - You don't have to have any cards in the Main Deck to resolve the effect;

  [NEW] If this card becomes frozen while on the symmetry side, it will still be on the symmetry side when it unfreezes;

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  [NEW] Anathema can be targeted and frozen by Crystal Cove even while it is in play on the creature side, since it is treated as both a symmetry and a creature;

  [NEW] If this card becomes frozen while on the creature side, it will still be on the creature side when it unfreezes;

          [NEW] - The creature side Ability preventing Life Points from changing except by creature attacks is still active while this card is frozen, regardless of which side it is frozen on, since frozen cards are still visible to all players;

■ Anathema flips back to the symmetry side as soon as the creature leaves play. As long as the card (regardless of which side it's on) is in a zone viewable by all players, the continuous Life Point effect from the creature side is active;

(i.e. when you look at the cards in a player's graveyard, you're free to look at the front and back of all cards; since that is considered "visible", it doesn't matter which side Anathema is currently on for the continuous effect to be active);

Since Anathema's creature Ability states "Life Points cannot change except by creatures attacking directly", then players simply cannot trigger cards with a Life Point cost while Anathema is visible to all players. (I.e. this is different from Madness Settles, which says "don't lose energy", rather than "cannot".);

■ If Anathema is triggered in response to a Life Point cost, once Anathema resolves and becomes visible to all players, the original card with the Life Point cost can no longer activate and would fizzle, since Anathema successfully prevented Life Points from changing outside of direct creature attacks;

Anathema is considered both a creature and a symmetry, so it can be searched out by cards like Sign of the Crow or targeted by Chronological Relapse;

 [NEW] When attacking with Ethereal Aurorialis and Anathema is revealed by its Ability, Ethereal Aurorialis attacks both yours and your opponent's Life Points at once due to Anathema being both a creature and a symmetry;


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Devourer of Dimensions

■ (As stated on the text of Eroda's Ascendance), any Afterthoughts that get moved underneath this creature when it's summoned turn back into Chronos and are considered creatures while they are beneath Devourer

When Devourer of Dimensions leaves play:

          - If Devourer is bounced to hand, the Chronos beneath it (except Eroda) go to the graveyard. Eroda will remain on the pile of energy (unless the energy is also being destroyed, such as by Unsummon, in which case Eroda will be sent to the graveyard with any other Chronos beneath Devourer);

                   • TLDR; If there is still energy under Eroda/Devourer when Devourer is bounced or removed from play, Eroda will remain in play on the attached energy. However, if the creature and all energy attached is destroyed, then Eroda is destroyed, too;

         - If Devourer gets destroyed (such as by battle or Tethered to Eeventide), then all Chronos including Eroda get destroyed with it;

■ Chronos with an Afterthought Ability that leave play from beneath Devourer of Dimensions can turn into Afterthoughts, instead of being sent to the graveyard;

          - When Devourer's Ability is used to send a Chrono beneath itself to the graveyard, and the owner chooses to turn that Chrono into an Afterthought instead of sending it to the graveyard, the condition for Devourer's Ability is considered fulfilled (as if the Chrono went to the graveyard). This is due to the fact that the Afterthought rule does not state "instead"; Chronos don't become an Afterthought instead of leaving play, they can simply become an Afterthought due to leaving play;

The Chronos that move beneath Devourer of Dimensions from the field will leave their energy piles behind (the energy does not go with them to Devourerthey will remain where they are as blank piles);

■ If a Chrono beneath Devourer of Dimensions becomes frozen, nothing of significance happens aside from the overall freeze-count going up;

Devourer of Dimensions does move all of your teammate's Chronos beneath itself in addition to your own, when it enters play, in 2v2 format;


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Verneejus the Molecular Mockery

■ Verneejus cannot target Afterthoughts since Afterthoughts are not creatures; 

          - However, Verneejus can target a Chrono with an Afterthought Ability to gain the normal Ability + Afterthought Ability;

■ Verneejus is able to trigger its own Ability to gain a "when this creature is summoned" Ability in response to its own summon;

          - Due to the wording "while this creature is in play", like Lantern Leaflore, the Ability can be used the moment it hits the field, before its summon fully resolves;


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Vanciere the Future Phenomenon

■ If a player needs to perform a Deck Recycle, but their graveyard is freeze-locked, they will be unable to shuffle or draw any cards until their graveyard unfreezes;

■ If a player activates Maelstrom while their graveyard is freeze-locked, Maelstrom’s effect becomes a “do as much as possible”. So their Main Deck would enter the graveyard, but since "cards can’t leave a freeze-locked zone", nothing would shuffle back into the Main Deck;

■ This creature's Ability states "your hand"; if triggered while on the field (a shared zone between you and your teammate in 2v2 format) by attacking, the team may choose which player's hand or Main Deck to reveal from;


Coldcrux, Root of the World

 [NEW] If this creature's Ability targets and freezes a card with an effect that is in the middle of resolving, the rest of that target's effect fizzles out as it disappears from the stack (i.e. the target wouldn't finish resolving due to being frozen);


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Timeglypha, Eeventide's Second Key

■ A player's turn ends ONLY after all 5 phases of a turn have been entered AND left, even if nothing happened that phase. The End Phase itself does not end the turn;

Timeglypha causes cards to flip and unfreeze when the End Phase is entered (so long as the freeze timer is due to unfreeze those cards during that End Phase), even when the End Phase is performed at the start of the turn;


Desecrated Shipwreck

Despite this card not specifically stating "target", you may choose which energy is destroyed due to it being an effect;
          - The owner of the energy does not choose which of their energy is destroyed by this effect;


Chronological Relapse

■ When this card is played, the owner declares which graveyard and card they are targeting with its effect;

■ Because this card's effect says, "immediately", any responses must be played before this card begins resolving; players are unable to respond to the card that this card targets;

 - If the symmetry targeted by Relapse stays in play after resolution (Chains, Stellarfalls, Fractured Portals, etc.) and that card becomes frozen, it activates under the owner's control when it unfreezes;

■ This card's effect states that you "play" the target card from a graveyard, which means, if resolved, that the target card comes out of the graveyard and into play during the course of its resolution;

■ This card cannot play a symmetry card from a graveyard that is freeze-locked by Vanciere the Future Phenomenon since the target card technically cannot leave the frozen graveyard;


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Corrupted Keystone

■ Inactive or negated Abilities cannot be targeted by Corrupted Keystone. This card specifically targets a creature "without an Ability", and inactive/negated Abilities are not considered removed;

■ If Verneejus the Molecular Mockery targets and "steals" a creature's Ability, the now Ability-less creature can then be targeted by Corrupted Keystone that turn, since Verneejus states "that creature loses its Ability";


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Madness Settles

■ If Tethered to Eeventide is played while Madness Settles is active, the targeted creature will effectively be destroyed, but its energy will remain in play as a blank pile. This is due to the fact that Tethered's effect simultaneously destroys the creature and its energybut Madness Settles prevents the Chrono's energy from being destroyed, thus, only the creature gets destroyed;

Cards such as Unsummon remove the targeted creature before the energy is destroyed, so Madness Settles will no longer effect the energy that was attached to the targeted creature once the creature leaves play;

  [NEW] If Anathema's creature side Ability is active when this card is played, your Life Points won't become 3, but the rest of its effect still applies as your Life Points becoming 3 isn't a cost. 


Eroda's Ascendance

  [NEW] "Pay half of your Life Points, rounded down," means that you pay exactly half of your current Life totaland if the result is a fractional number, round the result down to the nearest whole number;

          - The amount of Life Points you pay is not rounded down, only the result (if needed); 

          - "rounded down" is a suffix phrase of the overall cost, affecting the result only and not the cost itself;


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Eroda the Flickering Facade

Similar to energy that's "beneath the Main Deck", Eroda is not part of the Main Deck, nor is it considered to be "the bottom of" / "at the bottom of" the Main Deck. Eroda is entirely separate and is considered to be underneath / beneath the deck as if in a separate zone;

■ Due to Eroda's wording "when this card would leave your Main Deck" … "put it face-up beneath your Main Deck instead", it does not fulfill a draw requirement, thus allowing the player to draw the next card after Eroda fully resolves from leaving the Main Deck;

          - Similarly, cards that search or send cards out of the Main Deck (such as Sign of the Crow, Chains of the Ancient One, Bridge Bastion Dragon, etc.), will trigger Eroda's Ability and won't count Eroda as a card being searched or sent out of the deck. The player would then search / send out the next card in order to fulfill the original card's effect / Ability;

■ When Eroda enters play from beneath the Main Deck, the player chooses to either summon it on an existing blank pile along with any energy attached from beneath the Main Deck, OR using only the energy beneath the Main Deck as a new pile. In the case of having no energy beneath the Main Deck when Eroda is summoned (from beneath the Main Deck), it can simply be summoned on an existing blank pile;

          - If there are no valid open blank piles on your field and no energy beneath the Main Deck when Eroda needs to be summoned (from beneath the Main Deck), Eroda then goes straight to the graveyard;

■ During the course of normal gameplay, when zero cards remain in the Main Deck and Eroda's Ability triggers in an attempt to summon itself from beneath the Main Deck, players can respond to its Ability as usual. However, if Eroda's Ability causes it to be summoned from beneath the Main Deck in the middle of the owner's Draw Phase while they still need to Deck Recycle & draw more cards, the Ability cannot be responded to and must resolve before the Deck Recyclebecause the act of drawing card(s) during the Draw Phase is uninterruptable by default. For this reason, Eroda's Ability is considered "semi-automated";

If Eroda the Flickering Facade appears in the Starting Hand (whether in the opening hand or by mulligan), its Ability triggers and will cause
Eroda to immediately go beneath the Main Deck and allow the player to draw a replacement card;
The replacement draw is due to the fact that
Eroda's Ability triggers whenever it "would" leave the Main Deck. Since it never actually goes from the deck to the hand, it doesn't count toward the number of cards drawn;

Eroda moves 1 energy to itself while beneath the Main Deck at the end of every single turn, and can move your teammate's energy in 2v2;

          - If both players on a team each have their own Eroda triggering to pull energy beneath the deck at the end of the turn, while there is only 1 energy among their shared field, they may come to a mutual agreement regarding which Eroda the energy should move to;


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Smokestream the Perfect Mimicry

■ While Smokestream's Afterthought Ability is active, the player that is resolving the Afterthought-removal card gets to choose which active Afterthought leaves play;


(Click to Enlarge)

Silent Irregularity

■ If a player chooses to turn this creature into an Afterthought, its normal Ability will not trigger, since it never went to the graveyard;

Silent Irregularity's normal Ability will effectively trigger whenever it goes to the graveyard from any other zone, such as hand, Main Deck or field. Additionally, its Ability may also trigger if this creature is sent to the graveyard after being destroyed as an Afterthought. The moment Afterthoughts leave play, they are considered creatures again, so Silent Irregularity's normal Ability once again becomes active as it gets sent to the graveyard;


Shardwood Amalgamation

This creature's Ability states "your hand"; if triggered while on the field (a shared zone between you and your teammate in 2v2 format) such as by attacking or being attacked, the team may choose which player's hand to reveal from;


Roaming Skyscraper, Langis

  [NEW] You may reveal the top and bottom card of the Main Deck belonging to any player on your team when using this creature's Ability in Multiplayer or 2v2 format; 

          [NEW]  - The player on your team who draws 1 energy from this Ability does not have to be the same player who revealed the top and bottom card of the Main Deck;


Bristlecone Phantom Pine

  [NEW] "put it back in your Main Deck wherever you like" means that you take the target card from the graveyard (looking), flip it face-down, and put in your Main Deck (without searching through your Main Deck or flipping the cards face-up)slotting the target card into the Main Deck wherever you like;

  [NEW] When this creature attacks and its Ability resolves, you may choose 1 card from any player's graveyard on your team and put it back in the owner's Main Deck wherever you like (it does not have to be your own card from your own graveyard, but the target card cannot go from one player's graveyard into a different player's Main Deck);

          [NEW]  - The player on your team who draws energy from the second part of this creature's Ability can be a different player than the one who put a card from their graveyard into their Main Deck;


(Click to Enlarge)

Hazardous Brigantine

The activation of this creature's Ability must be announced, including from hand; Hazardous Brigantine's Ability goes on the stack which allows all players a chance to respond to its Ability before it begins resolving;

■ "Moving" Hazardous Brigantine with its Ability does not count as a summon; however, if you're moving it to your field, then it is considered to be "put into play";

■ You may only move Hazardous Brigantine to your field if there is an open blank pile to put it into play on. This is due to the game's base rule that creatures must enter play on a pile of 1 or more energy; creatures cannot exist on the field without energy unless otherwise stated;

The Afterthought Ability doesn't state "target" or "select", however, it does allow the owner to target and choose which energy they want to destroy;

■ This creature can be put into play on your teammate's energy pile(s) through its own Ability in 2v2 format;

Due to this creature's Ability stating, "Activate this Ability from YOUR hand, field or graveyard," your teammate can activate your Brigantine's Ability from the field, since that is the only shared zone in 2v2 format; however, if they opt not to make it an Afterthought and let it move zones, it will move to the owner's specified zone;


Siphon from Thoughts

Siphon from Thoughts is, by default, a symmetry. If it resolves and is added to a creature, it is treated as an energy but also retains its symmetry card type;

          - Crystal Cove can freeze Siphon from Thoughts because this card is treated as both a symmetry and an energy while in play;

          - While Siphon is being treated as a symmetry/energy attached to a creature and becomes frozen, the symmetry side of the effect is no longer active--causing the card to no longer be treated as an energy and therefore losing all effects (it detaches from the creature/pile and is now considered a frozen symmetry in play that can get added to a new target when it unfreezes);

If the creature this card was attached to is removed from play but the attached energy remains, this card stays attached to that pile as an energy/symmetry.

When it is played, it is not directly added to a creature right away, but instead goes face-up on the Stack so that players have a chance to respond to it before it begins resolving;

Thoughtstream, Eeventide's Sword can only destroy this card before it becomes an energy;


Forerunner of Eclipses

■ This creature's Ability can target ANY Ability or effect on the stack (creature or symmetry); 

■ If Forerunner's Ability resolves and changes a symmetry effect into "each player draws 1 card", that symmetry will go to the graveyard after it resolves;

■ If Forerunner's Ability resolves and changes an active creature Ability into "each player draws 1 card", that creature's Ability reverts back to its original printed text after resolution;

          - If the affected creature Ability was one that could only be triggered once per turn, it won't be able to activate again on the same turn after its text reverts back;

  [NEW] If Forerunner of Eclipses is activating from hand and the target card effect or Ability disappears from the stack, Forerunner can choose a new target if possibleotherwise, it will just be summoned to the field; 

  [NEW] Forerunner's Ability can only target effects or Abilities that are still on the stack;

          - If Chains has been in play and Forerunner wasn't a response to its initial activation, then Chains can't be targeted by Forerunner (unless Chains is unfreezing as that counts as a new activation and puts it back on the stack);


Glistening Undergrove

  [NEW] This card's effect states "Otherwise, you may add it to your hand", meaning regardless of revealing a creature or symmetry card (as long as you didn't send it to the graveyard to destroy 1 energy), you may add that card to your hand;

  [NEW] If this card reveals Coldcrux, Root of the World from the top or bottom of your Main Deck and Coldcrux targets & freezes this card, Coldcrux cannot be added to hand since Undergrove became frozen--causing the rest of this symmetry card's effect to fizzle and disappear from the stack;

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